Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Summer is coming

Around here, we throw this phrase around often. At our home, summer is coming means we plan for tighter writing schedules, stash summer survival food, plan for movies we've wanted to watch, make plans with friends and family, and plan our vacation and summer travel, among other things.

For me, though, summer is coming is less defined, more subtle, and very certain. The light comes in through the windows a bit sooner each day, a bit brighter. It stays longer, too. The light is coming in earlier each morning making everything vivid, joyful, worthwhile. But the light has come, I remind myself. Regardless of what the sun is doing this time of the year, I want to remember that the light has come. It is here throughout the year, throughout time. As summer approaches and days get complicated, we get complicated, down even. Remembering that the light has come means that this too shall pass – the early mornings, the long hours, the overwhelming schedules, the constant mending of misunderstandings, the deadlines, the endless to-do list, the short tempers. The light has come means that all is well, in spite of what our senses and our moods tell us. The light reminds me: all of our blessings come with responsibilities, it is all good, Love is here, Bounty is here, we are on purpose. The light has come means we are loved, guided and protected, always.

Summer is coming. But the light has already come.

"The light has come." ~ A Course in Miracles, Lesson 75

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