Friday, August 23, 2019

The timing of things

My dad has repeated to me over the years, especially when I was younger, before I finally learned the lesson, everything in its time. It took years and life experience for me to learn and appreciate what this really meant. I've been meditating on this thought throughout this summer. Everything in its time.

This summer was my time to disconnect a bit to sort, organize, attend to details, and center myself. We as a family are before the next steps on our individual and shared paths. Through this summertime, I understood that it is time to walk my talk, to step in the direction that will lead to my next big goal, to simultaneously and in communion walk with my loved ones. Synchronicities all around me are supporting my decision. Words like wonder and adventure are popping up everywhere for me.

Today is a good day to meditate on the thought everything in its time. What is this time allowing us? What are we ready for? What can we focus on right now? What can we cultivate?

The contemplation during these summer months allowed to make soulful choices. I have decided to stop posting this blog for a while. It's the right timing of things. I'll always write, but, for the time being, I will focus on this wonder-full and adventure-filled time before me. I pray that you as well find the right timing of things and that we meet again, soon. I am so thankful to you for walking this path with me these past few years. In time, we’ll do it again. I send you love and light, always.

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