Friday, September 15, 2017

Assume the position

She was telling me how her shoes are always scuffed. They make her look unprofessional and unkempt. She buys her shoes cheap because she tears them up, she said. She tears them up at the office. She sits at her desk like a five-year-old, she said–slouched, knees together, dragging her feet sideways, on either side. It's not a big deal, she says, because no clients enter unannounced and when they do, they can't see her feet. Only her coworkers see her.

During our coaching sessions, one of the issues that has come up is how, despite the quality of her work, her dedication, punctuality, reliability, competence, and discipline, she is passed up for career growth opportunities and salary raises. Moreover, she is asked to do menial leftover tasks that no one else wants to tackle. She has assumed that position.

We assume an attitude, a walk, and a talk, that matches that which we believe we are. We receive and experience accordingly. We do this every day even if we are not aware of it, especially when we are not aware of it. Superiority, inferiority, disregard, idleness, carelessness, indifference, inattention, mediocrity, unpleasantness, disrespect, rudeness, and irreverence toward ourselves or others reflect in our experience. So do respect, deference, loyalty, mindfulness, consideration, temperance, friendliness, kindness, joy, politeness, and care.

We sabotage ourselves with thoughts that are contrary to our desires. Not doing so takes some inner work, yet, it is possible and will change our experience. Today is a good day to assume the position. Let's bear the attitude of that which we want for ourselves. Is it respect? Satisfaction? Achievement? Balance? Love? What do we want to experience? Let's keep our thoughts, our intentions, our feelings and our gestures aligned with what we want and then see it unfold in our experience.

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© Millicent Maldonado and Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

In the eye

I'm sitting in lotus in the middle of my living room. Hurricane Irma is headed our way and I sit in meditation. Meanwhile, there's a flurry of related activity around me.

My son still sleeps. My husband is out buying supplies. The streets are heavy with drivers. People are shopping for water, batteries and other goods, protecting property, and taking care of important details. Others are posting concerns, real and fake news, criticism, prayers, and statements of caution on social media. After cleaning, storing, buying, and preparing, I have now tuned out most of it. We have prepared for the storm, but there's no guarantee we are ready. We will not know until the storm hits, yet there's nothing else to do. There is uncertainty.

I don't know what the outer bands of the storm will bring. All I know, as I sit here, is that I don't know. We don't know. Such is life. Uncertainty is real. All we can do is prepare and let go. While we wait, it behooves us to remain calm, to power up with a connection to our Higher Selves, to breathe in order to center ourselves, to call on clarity, to be aware, to be mindful, and to let go.

Today is a good day to take a few moments and sit in meditation. This will help us become calm and clear headed, able to think clearly, keep our thoughts organized and take action when needed, to know what to do and when to do it. We will not anticipate. We wait in uncertainty:

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes.
Visualize yourself in the eye of the storm, where it is calm.
Breathe slowly and deeply.
You are calm. You breathe. You recharge.
Breathe away the stress.
Breathe in faith.
Breathe out the need to control.
Breath in hope.
Breathe out anxiety.
Breath in love.
Breathe out fear.

Repeat. Breathe for a few more minutes. Stay in the eye. Become it. Be calm.

To all of us who are in the path of Hurricane Irma, we send love and light. Blessed be.

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© Millicent Maldonado and Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Love rains, love reigns

Hurricane Harvey has devastated parts of Texas and has flooded other parts up to Louisiana. The images on television and on social media show homes, buildings, cars, and other property under water. The damages are unbelievable. The loss, especially the loss of lives, is overwhelming. Lives lost to the storm, lives lost in rescue efforts, lives lost to circumstances complicated by the storm. This is an incredible disaster.

Yet, in all the devastation, faith, hope, and love are coming through. Rescuers are working around the clock to bring people to safety, businesses and storefronts are opening up to give shelter to people and pets, people are coming together to help each other, celebrities as well as non-famous people are donating money to aid the victims of Hurricane Harvey, and we are coming together in prayer bringing strength and power to help this horrific situation.

This tragedy seems to much to bear and yet love rains, love reigns. Amidst the chaos, destruction and devastation, love is raining. Love is reigning. Even is we don't see it, yet.

Today is a good day to join our thoughts and prayers for Houston and all those affected by Hurricane Harvey. May we see the love and not the fear. May we not look for fault, but for ways to help and uplift. May we hold on to the knowing that miracles abound. May those of us who are safe keep a spirit of solidarity witnessing the suffering to help bear it and to help transform its energy. Let's behold the love. Let's be lightworkers. May we keep our focus on thoughts that embrace, heal, and help and, in doing so, send light Houston's way.

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© Millicent Maldonado and Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.