Friday, January 27, 2017

Heads or Tails

In a coin toss, we look for a side, heads or tails, to tell us what choice to make, who wins a tie, how to proceed in a situation, a starting point, or how to process the pros and cons of an option. Whatever the result of the coin toss, our action is directed by the side of the coin that comes up. It is either one or the other. We may have a whole coin in our hand, but we can only act according to one side. Two sides, two choices, one action.

We may hold two distinct feelings in our heart at one time, two different possible ways to infuse what we do, yet we can only act out of one of them. We can hold fear and we can hold love in our heart at the same time, but we will only act out of one of them. With awareness of our tendencies to act out of one or the other, we can make better sudden choices. The side of fear points to jealousy, anger, anxiety, worry, suspicion, doubt, resentment, hopelessness, hatred, hostility, deception, trickery and animosity. The side of love points to hope, trust, confidence, friendship, joy, peace, honesty, forgiveness, openness, faith, composure, serenity, abundance, optimism, and goodwill. Two sides, two choices, one action. Will it be fear or will it be love? The outcome will depend on what we choose.

Today is a good day to look into our hearts and be aware of what we are feeling. Let us be in touch with our emotions and know that what we choose to act out of will determine our experience. When making decisions–big or small, considered or immediate–choosing to act out of love will have a decidedly different impact than acting out of fear. Our choice is not between heads or tails, for we are not leaving it up to chance. Our choice, and our consequence, is between fear and love. Which will it be?

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© Millicent Maldonado and Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Oh, the pressure!

She needs a pressure cooker, but she won't get one. She says she is afraid of it. She understands how it works and how to use it. But the idea of the pressure cooker still scares her.

It's not the pressure, though, that scares us. It's the whistling, the warning, the signal of something impending, the expectation, the constant realization of pressure that makes us uneasy, tense, anxious and worried. Some of us can manage the pressure just fine. Some of us can't. What we can't manage is the stress that we create with the underlying thoughts. There's so much to do. I won't be able to do it all. I'm about to blow. I'm going to miss my deadline. I have so much pressure. I feel so stressed. This is too much! I don't have time. If one thing goes wrong, everything else goes to hell in a hand-basket. We moan in pain.

Sometimes we have to create, cook, produce, and work under pressure, but we can do it with a new awareness. Today is a good day to let go of the tone of distress, the alarm, and the sense of urgency. We can do this for our well-being and the wellness of what we want to accomplish. It is a good day to focus on what we want to do, and how we do it. We can offer ourselves a different attitude, body posture, gestures, and mannerisms. We can adopt a new rhythm. This will not change what we have to do, but it will change us and the way we feel. This will also help us to think more clearly and be more creative ultimately helping us to change our circumstances for the better.

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© Millicent Maldonado and Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Happy 2017!

If there's one thing that can make this year extraordinary for me, is to let it be, whatever it is. This is a mindset of no resistance.

Letting it be, whatever it is, transforms me. This mental state releases me from struggle, allowing me to focus, let go of negative thoughts, do more fully, be more present, argue less–internally and with others, conserve energy, release the bodily tension that goes with anger and judgment, and change circumstances for the better. It changes my focus from what is wrong to what can be right. To stand against what is creates pain, suffering, anguish, frustration, impotence, dysfunction, and unhappiness.

Today is a good day to begin to let it be, whatever it is. When we meet a situation or a person we don't like, in that moment, let's let it be. Let's not form an opinion, judge, or interpret. I don't mean for us to resign to circumstances that we don't like or that are not good for us. There is no victim mentality in this attitude. On the contrary, this is a stance of strength and centeredness in which we are not bogged down by drama or negativity. If we want to create change of any sort, we begin by allowing. We offer no resistance and no denial. In doing so, we open ourselves up to clarity, awareness, intuition, spiritual guidance, insight, inspiration, synchronicity, and alignment with our Higher Self in order to know, respond confidently, act assertively, make things happen, achieve our goals, say no to people that drain us and situations that don't serve us, learn, and grow. Grace comes when we allow it, when we don't fight.

Remarkably, change and transformation happen when we let it be. If we want change in 2017, first we must acknowledge, accept and allow whatever it is. We will then receive understanding and know what to do, and when and how to do it. It is what it is. Here's to an amazing year and an amazing life!

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© Millicent Maldonado and Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.