Friday, November 13, 2015

A child is born

Children are not born without form, ideas, shapes or meaning. They are not born blank. They are not born to be filled in, formed, molded. They are not extensions of ourselves. They are not born to live the lives we haven't lived for our sake. Children develop into who they are. We are here as guides, mentors, protectors of our children. We are also their students.

He speaks softly and patiently as he gestures gently with his long, philosophical fingers. He has mystical questions and his own esoteric explanations to life. He is brilliant – in the light he gives off, in the harmony and peace he brings. As his mom, I am not lackadaisical, although some may think so. I am learning to be an allowing mom – observing him and honoring his unfolding.

I do not want to instill in him my fears, insecurities and anxieties. I want to help him realize his purpose, to know where possibility lies, to choose happiness, to have hope, to have faith in the Silence I have come to know through him. I want him to wander and wonder, to come to wisdom through his own exploration, to be self-awake, free of learned self-judgment and condemnation and the pursuit of goals set by others. I want to support and uplift him in a counterculture walk up a path of love, grace, joyful fulfillment and happiness. I want his commitments and convictions to rise from a place of knowing, not from obligation. I want his sense of responsibility to rise from self-security and love.

A child is born, not given to us to fix, program or make into something else. My child was born for many reasons. I understand one of those reasons to be a reminder of the goodness and the magic we are born with. Today is a good day to remember that we are children too. We were born with a path and a purpose of our own, a journey to be traveled for our fulfillment, our full realization. Let's take a moment to breathe into the quiet stillness within to find our joy, our reasons, our purpose, our intentions, our own feelings, our untainted Selves and live from there. Let's go there frequently, until we do it more than we listen to our conditioning. Let's go there enough so that it is there where we begin our thoughts and actions and so live the life we meant to live for ourselves.  

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