Friday, November 18, 2016

In the contrast

I had two great days back-to-back earlier this week. They were the kind of day in which everything flows smoothly – everything from my mood to my circumstances and interactions. I felt so thankful. Today hasn't been such a good day, though. I feel overwhelmed and disoriented. It is such a contrast from two days ago. It's ok. I appreciate it.

It is in the contrast that we know what we like, what we don't, what makes us happy, what angers us, what inspires us, what bores us, what we enjoy, what drives us crazy, what we love about life. It is in today's contrast that I appreciate the sun, the way his face lights up when I walk in the door, eating slowly, courteous customer service, big belly laughs, not being nervous, the time I spend with friends,  getting it right, a good drive, and so much more. 

Today is a good day to appreciate the contrast, to find sweetness in the ordinary things of life, to know that the bitterness is part of life's flavor, and that the nuances make a beautiful difference. 

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